Opinion on Dexter by non-professional-average viewer.

Opinion on Dexter by the non-professional-average viewer. It took me two months to watch all 8 seasons of Dexter. I was able to feel the whole range of emotions towards Dexter as a character. At some point, I hated him, at some admired. Based on Jeff Lindsay's novels Darkly Dreaming Dexter this crime thriller follows Dexter Morgan - blood spatter expert for the Miami Dade Police Department.
First season starts with Dexter narrative about Miami, which also helps us to now that he is the main support for his sister, has a girlfriend, with two kids and has an active "nightlife” which includes punishing of murderers driven by a "code" created by his adoptive father and an uncontrollable thirst for killing. Dexter is a cruel psychopathic killer who initially repels and must repel, but as soon as we get to know him better, we begin to sympathize with him and justify his actions. While maintaining an ordinary persona, he leads a double life – which makes him question himself and his relationships.
It is very hard for a Dexter fan to explain what I like most in this series. This is just my attempt to count some of the reasons what I liked the most and what disappointed me at some point. What I should say that if you haven’t seen Dexter yet – you should. For me it started as a series I watched with my flatmate while we were eating and it wouldn’t be a good idea for someone who eats meat (as my flatmate), but for me, it was ok because I am vegetarian, so I was pretty much satisfied with my vegetables. You will understand what I’m saying about after watching the series-opening sequence.
 What I like:
1. Brilliant star cast Michael C Hall, Jennifer Carpenter does not need introduction even the rest of the crew has done a brilliant job especially Erik King(Doakes), David Zayas(Angel Batista) and C. S. Lee(Masuka) – I worried about all of them through the seasons. Michael C Hall's appearance and acting skills allow you to project everything on him and his actions in the movie. You can love or hate him at times, think that he is selfish or generous, caring or lacking empathy, playful or with no sense of humor, etc. He is the whole package and watching the show takes you on an emotional rollercoaster.

2. The intro is shown before every episode, takes the morning routine of the main character. Without knowledge of the plot and not knowing anything about Dexter it seems to be ordinary morning routine, but by adding new layers of meaning beyond the literal into ideological, aesthetic you can feel the change in perception of each extreme close-up.

3. “surprise mitherf**ker” meme. I knew this meme, it is old, but it was all of a sudden, so I jumped and almost choked on vegetables.

4. Someone may say that the thrill is the reason to watch it, but unlike other TV shows, they do not create tension at the end of the series. Dexter mostly ends the episode on a happy note but still can cause shivering in your spine. The series is built in the way that you will find yourself attached to Dexter. Even some of you will find the Dark passenger in you (you will understand term dark passenger on watching the series). Dexter is an antihero - a bad guy that you actually care for. He is a murderer, but he is a conscious-type killer. Harry's code embedded in him forces him to direct his violence at people who are some of the worst that the police could not catch. For the whole eight seasons, he continues to question himself about everything that values, moral issues, and his relationships – he evolves, grows as a person, you can clearly the difference between Dexter season 1 and Dexter season 8.
5.The episodes are a fine work of art. The way everything is shot and the way we automatically wait for something to happen. All eight seasons seem like a consistent story told by cinematic language.

“Dexter” had been running on creative fumes the past few seasons so the ending was confusing for me, but I want to renumber just great things about this series, because it made my autumn cozy and less depressing, also it gave me new knowledge and made me question myself – am I a good person?


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