Music Genre is Important
Plato said:
“Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and everything.”
A couple of years ago I saw an image, I think it was a meme, about the way music affects our brain. It was said that rock music is made for smart people. At that time, I had status on my social media said: “My soul sings rock” and that is why I saw that kind of information – because I wanted to think that my taste in music is right.
“Teenagers listen to an average of nearly 2.5 hours of music per day.” I’m not a teenager but still, I listen to music for more than 2.5 hours per day and based on my own experience and articles from the Internet I can say that different genres of music have different influences on my behavior.
Music plays an important role in the socialization of children and adolescents. Listening to popular music is considered by society to be a part of growing up. Music provides entertainment and distraction from problems and serves as a way to relieve tension and boredom. My friend once said that music helps to distract her attention from the thoughts she has when she doesn’t speak. She is scared of her thoughts that is why she always listens to the music or turns on the video of someone speaking. Some studies have reported that adolescents use popular music to deal with loneliness and to take control of their emotional status or mood.
However, each music genre has its own influence in some cases little or no attention is paid to the words, and if any attention is given, understanding tends to be limited and related to the experiences lived by the listener. I listen to the music carefully and mostly I care about lyrics, but I won’t stop listening to the song only because I don’t like lyrics. If the song narrates about suicide, I won’t go and commit suicide – it won't work this way.
Regarding the effects of popular music on behavior, several studies have demonstrated that preference for certain types of music could be correlated or associated with certain behaviors, it means that on the subconscious level we are affected by the story told, by the rhythm or the mood of the song.
“The preference for heavy metal music, rap, and associated genres among adolescents increased vulnerability and tendency toward risky behaviors” – I see a lot of this statements on the internet, so for me, music is just a conductor between a person's mental state and a way of expressing feelings. I spent my whole adolescence listening to all kinds of rock music that build my image as a girl with good taste in music, I think rock helped me to go through a lot. Starting from the very beginning when my elder sister advised me to listen band SIXX AM - Skin - at that time I haven't had any knowledge in English so I couldn’t understand anything, but that song and that moment determined my future and present. At that moment I could not imagine what issues my skin would experience, I could not imagine how prophetic this song is. It can sound naïve or weird, but only after ten years, I realized what I listened to. Growing up as an introvert girl, rock songs told me to grow up and do not care about society – I should care about myself, I should be strong. Being deep into the rock and listening to various bands I somehow found myself valuing every moment of my life. Despite having an image of the confident brave girl on the surface, I grew up being fragile on the inside.
A couple of years ago I saw an image, I think it was a meme, about the way music affects our brain. It was said that rock music is made for smart people. At that time, I had status on my social media said: “My soul sings rock” and that is why I saw that kind of information – because I wanted to think that my taste in music is right.
“Teenagers listen to an average of nearly 2.5 hours of music per day.” I’m not a teenager but still, I listen to music for more than 2.5 hours per day and based on my own experience and articles from the Internet I can say that different genres of music have different influences on my behavior.
Music plays an important role in the socialization of children and adolescents. Listening to popular music is considered by society to be a part of growing up. Music provides entertainment and distraction from problems and serves as a way to relieve tension and boredom. My friend once said that music helps to distract her attention from the thoughts she has when she doesn’t speak. She is scared of her thoughts that is why she always listens to the music or turns on the video of someone speaking. Some studies have reported that adolescents use popular music to deal with loneliness and to take control of their emotional status or mood.
However, each music genre has its own influence in some cases little or no attention is paid to the words, and if any attention is given, understanding tends to be limited and related to the experiences lived by the listener. I listen to the music carefully and mostly I care about lyrics, but I won’t stop listening to the song only because I don’t like lyrics. If the song narrates about suicide, I won’t go and commit suicide – it won't work this way.
Regarding the effects of popular music on behavior, several studies have demonstrated that preference for certain types of music could be correlated or associated with certain behaviors, it means that on the subconscious level we are affected by the story told, by the rhythm or the mood of the song.
“The preference for heavy metal music, rap, and associated genres among adolescents increased vulnerability and tendency toward risky behaviors” – I see a lot of this statements on the internet, so for me, music is just a conductor between a person's mental state and a way of expressing feelings. I spent my whole adolescence listening to all kinds of rock music that build my image as a girl with good taste in music, I think rock helped me to go through a lot. Starting from the very beginning when my elder sister advised me to listen band SIXX AM - Skin - at that time I haven't had any knowledge in English so I couldn’t understand anything, but that song and that moment determined my future and present. At that moment I could not imagine what issues my skin would experience, I could not imagine how prophetic this song is. It can sound naïve or weird, but only after ten years, I realized what I listened to. Growing up as an introvert girl, rock songs told me to grow up and do not care about society – I should care about myself, I should be strong. Being deep into the rock and listening to various bands I somehow found myself valuing every moment of my life. Despite having an image of the confident brave girl on the surface, I grew up being fragile on the inside.
2016 went to Imagine Dragons
Three Days Grace - 2017
A year after graduating school I faced a lack of music and passion for everything I listened to and was interested in. I was driven to a standstill and there I couldn’t listen to what I listened before – I wanted something different while not being able to search for something. At the point where I was devoid of my savior, the thing that through years distracted me from the real world – I faced the darkest time in my whole life, so even audio-books couldn’t drown out thoughts and worries.
Surprisingly, I found something that helped and changed me drastically. Something I hated before, once I even wrote a hateful article blaming fans for being immature and too extra in everything, for being obsessed and just stupid.
Lol. Now I am obsessed and stupid according to all the things I told in that hilarious article.
Surprisingly, I found something that helped and changed me drastically. Something I hated before, once I even wrote a hateful article blaming fans for being immature and too extra in everything, for being obsessed and just stupid.
Lol. Now I am obsessed and stupid according to all the things I told in that hilarious article.
I was pretty immature and even wrote an apology, to the people I offended by that article. I thought that all k-pop is about boys wearing bright make-up and being feminine. I was wrong. While listening to rock I wore all black, staid serious, quiet and tried to be as cold-blood as I can, so it builds me as a confident even though I wasn’t like that. To brighten my mood, I listened to some hard-rock with depressing lyrics – now I listen to something encouraging when I’m sad.
I could say that referring to my experience music influence our behavior and the way we feel and think about certain things and phenomenon. I became open-minded and tolerant while listening to k-pop, because it is completely different from k-pop. Each of the genre involve different types of role models, meaning of coolness and ideas. Sometimes ideas are similar, but more often it is different, so it is fascinating to see how diverse we can be. I still listen to rock, but the influence it has on me now is lower.
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