Personal issues? 0_o
Some people won't be there for you for the whole life, they will have an influence, they will remain a mark in your soul and go away.
All this post may sound inappropriate (all my blog may sound inappropriate), but all the things in this story happened through the internet and were affected by it.

this information I found today while searching for an explanation of the crisis
I experienced for the last two years. 2019 was a horrible year – full of
disappointment, anxiety, and thoughts like “Should I Stay or Should I Go”? I
think going on ERASMUS+ to Tampere was the wisest decision of all time, because
there was no one who would know me and I could stay in peace with myself and think
consciously about all that happened earlier within two years.
To tell something about the person which I
lost during this year I was inspired by an exhibition I attended this Friday.
Created by Hannamari Shakya – she is a solutions-focused professional with a
comprehensive background in the field of documentary photography and film. Her
interests are in social justice, human rights, and socially engaged visual
media. “He called me a sparrow” is the most personal and demanding of her work.
In his series of works, she deals with the untreated trauma of her family and
the subsequent burden shift, and their effects on family life. In her series
she has worked on her feelings and events regarding her own growth story; I saw
her being emotional and sincere about the things affected her life – she is
brave to tell people how struggles changed her family, to tell how you can deal
with it.
It is really important that someone is
always by your side to support and sometimes say that you are doing something
wrong. She was the one to help me go through high school problems, to choose
the university.
“Those dreams have been replaced by other
dreams. I won’t stop dreaming. Otherwise, this world will destroy me, crush me
with the problems and reality.” – she said it in 2015 back then I could not
think that I would experience loss of all the dreams, that I will face reality
and problems I caused. Now I can see that she fenced off from the whole world
after unsuccessful attempts to fulfill dreams. I appreciated her choices and
loved my friend more than school friends or my boyfriend. At some point, we
broke up being unable to hear each other, because of the gap between our
realities. I’m writing it about because of the awaked will to talk to her, to
apologize, but on the other hand, I can’t imagine that two so distant people
can understand each other.

Notes and Emotions on the situation when "to talk" is the only option:
You know, I thought for a long time about
what I want to say today. I’m not sure what I’m doing. I’m not sure in any
thoughts and words, but if I don’t write it down, it will only get worse.
Yesterday morning, while working, I was
talking with my brother about random things, discussing completely different
thoughts and facts. At some point, I realized what I was doing - driving away
important thoughts. On the way back home, I tried to visualize what was
happening in my head for several hours’ yesterday and today.
- I occupy a larger area than you think.
Every time I think, I feel a huge space in my head - this is the world, a whole
network of connections. And today I tried to hide a thought from this world,
and it is big, now and then it looms in the periphery of vision.
- How looming? - asked the brother.
- I once watched a video where the
professor explained to students at the exhibition how gravity and the whole
universe works as a system. A trampoline stood in front of the professor, but
the trampoline fabric was not as elastic as a real trampoline capable of
supporting a person’s weight. It was something like the frame of a round table
on which elastic fabric was stretched. The professor threw balls on the fabric
and they all rolled down to the very center. So he showed the force of gravity.
At some point, he picked up a fabric that obscured the view from below and
indicated the deformation of the fabric. The ball violated the existence of
matter. As far as I remember, this visualization explained not only gravity and
spiral motion of the universe. This performance at the moment as much as
possible characterizes what is happening to me. A ball - an annoying thought
haunts me - violates the usual life of matter, but there are too many such
balls in my head. Every detail pulls my state down - distorts perception.
Here I would like to explain a different
image that exists in my head and claims to be one of the weightiest balls.
Everything has a cause and effect. I have a
reason to be here and a significant role in my life situation was played by
several people. Both in the script and life, there are turning points – people
affecting our lives are these turning points.
I opened our chat in search of my old cover
and immediately remembered - you made it. I almost burst into tears,
understanding what I want to do. I want to return to the time when we talked
for hours when we trusted each other. I wouldn’t be myself without you. I want
to talk to you, but now it’s impossible - there is a huge gap between us, which
is simply impossible to fill. Without even talking, you are and there is a
misunderstanding, there is an awkward silence.
I want to write more often. You can not
even imagine. Initially, I wanted to write why we don’t communicate, why
everything happens as it happens. Believe it, do not believe it, but I think
about it every day. I had a sense of integrity when we talked.
In the last months, we do not communicate.
So, I already said that. But I feel your presence in what I say, how I speak,
what I do.
Those with whom I do not communicate so
closely, express the idea that they say I look confident, strong and brave. You
know that I'm not like that. But even if there is an appearance of confidence -
because of you. If it weren’t about your support, I wouldn’t go to university,
I wouldn’t finish school that well, I wouldn't have Photoshop skills, at least,
I wouldn’t know how to form dialogs correctly.
At some point, I began to sink to the
bottom, not understanding the reason, in search of myself, I met with reality.
With the impracticability of my childish dreams, I faced head-on with my
naivety. At university, one girl called me a bitch, and that very evening you
said that I became angry.
It was very painful.
In the ears, a “bitch” rang from one person
and “spiteful” from a loved one.
Then the cleaning began. I cut the threads
of communication with everyone with whom I spoke before. It seemed that if I
stayed alone I would be free.
For the first time in my life, nightmares
began to occur. I met my twentieth birthday in a depressed, clearly not healthy
state. My new friend tried to help me, she arranged my birthday, tried to
distract me in every possible way, called in the evenings, pulled out for a
walk and gave me not only a chance to speak out, but she also talked out.
When I arrived home in June, I had a panic
attack. I was shaking and it seemed that I was going to die. For several days I
was scared.
Every evening I thought - I need to talk
with you. I need to find out how you are doing, I need to get distracted.
I began to write a short story, taking my
nightmares and experiences as a basis. This short story is chaos.

I always felt that some of our beliefs were
the opposite, and when I began to become myself - a walking contradiction to
your beliefs - it became even more difficult. As I said, my matter is deformed
and I know that even after saying everything I want to matter, dents will remain
and I will always remember who tried to pry out the sculpture from a piece of
clay. I'm still a raw piece.14.08.19
I sit and pack my suitcase. I'm flying to
Finland today. I went to my page in wattpad and our project came out in
recommendations. You deleted all your works.
I was dumbfounded for a second. Well,
apparently I wasn't the only one thinking about all this.
I am very tired and I understand that it’s
even more difficult for you. You are tired and disappointed. Unfortunately,
until I remove this annoying thought from sight - I can’t move on. I can’t help
you with anything.
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