HÄN – EQUALITY, CULTURE AND WOMEN - on December 3 in Tampere was held a Workshop on Equality between men and women. Hän the word in finish stands for equal – it is she and he in the third person. When I first heard the meaning of this word I was pleasantly surprised that this word exists in Finnish language and because of existence of the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis - or Whorfianism( a principle claiming that the structure of a language affects its speakers' world view or cognition, and thus people's perceptions are relative to their spoken language) – that means that for Finnish people could be easier to understand and accept gender equality more willingly than, for example, speakers of my mother tongue - Russian in which everything has it gender – masculine, feminine or medium, which defines only non-living objects.
While I was preparing for the seminar – I thought it would be nice to listen to the people who know that the problem of gender inequality exists – I wasn’t wrong. At the end of the day, my head was exploding because of the number of thoughts I had. HÄN made me think about a lot of things I faced and would face in the future.   

Mostly when I start to speak about gender equality I meet negative reactions and one forwarding question – are you a feminist? If “feminist” is something absolutely wrong. A lot of young people do not see a difference between certain individuals who aim to be a feminist, but do it in a way people do not appreciate and start to think of a whole movement just seeing one wrong individual. It is pleasant to see a mature and neat approach to such a sensitive and important issue. 
         Jaakki Stenhäll, Deputy Mayor of Tampere, made a brief introduction and spoke about the history of gender equality in Finland.
Finland was the first country to grant political rights to women in 1906, a year earlier women of all ranks demanded equal rights not only to vote but also to participate in elections, men supported them and spoke in Tampere Square, demanding universal and equal suffrage. 
        Christian Veske works for seven years with European Institute for Gender Equality, and work together with European commission and parliament, presidencies, they are located in Vilnius in Lithuania. Christian was inspired by one of the Moomins stories and was pushed to work on gender equality problems. Gender mainstreaming is one of the possibilities – they are developing gender mainstreaming platforms [2] by doing the research on gender equality trough three broad areas: gender-based violence, then gender statistics and Gender Equality Index. 
I am from Latvia and my home country people prefer not to talk about the issue. Honestly, I barely hold back the tears while looking at this circle [4], not even because I saw violence – because I saw the lack of knowledge between young and adult people. When I was in school once we had a discussion between classmates and one teacher – she asked us if we think rather in Latvia exists inequality or not? I said that it exists – mostly boys were arguing with me – in the end, I was forced to step back. I wish I knew about this circle back then. That is why I found HAN too important to not speak about it. 
Christian mentioned the Beijing Declaration, I haven’t heard about:
“Beijing Declaration was a resolution adopted by the UN at the end of the Fourth World Conference on Women on 15 September 1995. The resolution adopted to promulgate a set of principles concerning the equality of men and women.” I found a full document of Beijing Declaration it aims can be summarized:
“3. Determined to advance the goals of equality, development, and peace for all women everywhere in the interest of all humanity.” [1]
         Four members of “Voices of Culture” Zita Holbourne, Tamara Tatishvilli, Imogen Gunner, Christine Langinauer attended the workshop – each of the presentations and speeches left on me different influence, even though sometimes I had some kind of drops out – when I heard them speaking and had inflow of emotions and thoughts – the strongest drop was when Imogen Gunner spoke I started to cry, I think because of the awareness of what these people are fighting for and what they are working on.  
Issues that impact and cause all sectors of the labor market and culture sector which is filled by a patriarchal system, misogyny, insecure work and lack of support. A woman being self-employed and alone workers. Gender pay gap. This is not just on grounds of gender - we have to look at this from the perspective of intersectionality – women are not one-dimensional.
 I was so shocked by the phrase “women are not one-dimensional” – no one is, in the terms of equality, so it was the thing – we should think outside of the box of stereotypes, when all you see in woman is a mix of concepts of past years. While we were waiting for the start – we met a woman – she told us an indicative story related to her work - at her work she has to deal with situations when woman should go and do work – but she even can’t get to speak – man speaks for her saying she is not ready to speak for herself – in that kind of situation I have doubts rather I live in the 21st century. It is crucial to look at intersectionality at all times. Even though we know that discrimination exists it is crucial to have evidence of it – it is important to produce data.  
          Gender Equality is not a topic for women only it is not a subject that women prove to each other every day concluding obvious things – it is not only important to get an idea amongst the young generation, but also to take action in spreading it. Significance of elevating the importance of the topic of inequality on the societal level and not to mere it to a specific sector film, music or anything else is crucial. 
Everyone has been influenced by a stereotypical attitude or idea, stereotyping begins very early – even earlier than you start to realize that you are a girl and should like pink. We want to back away from stereotypes because we understand how painful the change could be. Those people who are out there, who are saying that we face a problem, but we are the ones to make change, we cannot talk to organizations and commissions asking them to do something, if we don’t also allow ourselves that we failed at some point and now we are ready to face it and move forward. It is very important to look at the situation from two different perspectives because the kind of action that is needed is streamed for adults because we are on a different stage of being stereotyped and influenced.
 Among young people it worth to work on, because then the young generation will be less stereotypical, there can be stronger role models that can drive them through. It will always be harder to convince adults that the stereotypes, that were with them all along aren’t correct and don’t much the reality they live in, than the youngsters whose mind is still opened to almost every idea. 
The main idea is to limit the pink-blue gap - the idea of how should correct girl and correct boy look, to accept and work with people as they are. 
As I am studying in a cinematography field it was interesting to find out about EWA Network [3] that is created to stand for gender equality in the Audiovisual field – Film, and TV making the process. It talks about what we should change the definition of leadership to erase a stereotypical sense of what filmmaker looks like. In the audiovisual field is enough actions to take action and they already try to do it through EWA and Eurimages[3]. 
Tamara spoke about a movie “Aurora” made by Miia Tervo, so I got interested in and watched trailer and it is something new for – as it was said a girl behind the main character is herself, the issues, taboos and all the things not spoken are in that film, so I’m definitely going to watch and not only because of context also it is beautifully shot, as I can judge from the trailers. A challenge of a filmmaker is a find way how to open up our hearts to each other.
“The fresh new voice of Finnish cinema, Miia Tervo, is a genuine filmmaker who writes her own scripts. Aurora is more than the sum of its story and characters. It’s a fluffy romantic comedy with a message that bounces around but trusts the viewer.”
         In the world is too much of sexual harassment and it is the thing we have to live with, moreover, it is not perceived as something society should fight with firstly. Society accepted it as something normal - usual.
It is estimated that 35 percent of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual violence at some point in their lives. Sexual harassment growths globally, because of a lack of understanding of an issue and ignorance. Sexual harassment topic is a kind of Pandora box that permits many people to talk about this issue and connects to many problems within the society we live in. 
Within Imogen Gunner's speech, I remembered all the cases I heard about in my home country about Sexual Harassment and that kind of Pandora Box opened in Russia where a new law has to appear shortly. One of the key things he proposes is to transfer domestic violence cases from private prosecution to public or private-public prosecution. "A private accusation is illogical and unfair. With it, the rapist is protected, but the victim is not," it is the perfect example of how uninformed society digs a grave for themselves.
The one thing is clear for now - we have to educate people from childhood, we have to reeducate boys and men.
          Christine represents an organization «Culture for all», based in Helsinki, Finland. She promotes the accessibility of equal treatment of all and diversity. 
We all know that the thing won’t work, equality will never be achieved if we keep going as we are, instead we should think about how we can change the structure in the order to make equality happened. 
Equality will never be achieved if we keep going at the same pace, instead, we should think about how we can change the structure to achieve what we want.
This picture visualizes the situation [5]. In the first image, flowers of different sizes need support for growth, so we treat them the same way, but as we can see, some plants still can’t catch up, in the third image the answer is found - we need to provide additional support to some groups so that they reach the same level of development.
This shows that in the first case, for example, exists the category of women that are privileged, as well as fewer privileged groups, and you can be intersected by age, race, sex, etc. This is very important when you learn and identify norms in order to be able to change them. And that is what we need to do.
        To conclude, I would like to express my strong respect to the people, who work to achieve gender equality and struggles to prove that all the people in the world deserve equal treatment and right not depending on gender, race or nationality. Through the report, I expressed my feelings and thoughts about the discussed topic, so it is needed to say that I am deeply impressed and touched by the workshop and people who attended this event.

Alina Popa 2019, Tampere
2.       European Institute for Gender Equality


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